Information and Selfhood
This website is an exploratory mix of digital gardening and commonplacing. A digital garden is an alternative to a blog, where you make one post/page per topic and build it up as you learn more about it. A commonplace journal is a place to store quotes and other tidbits that are meaningful to you.
Learning takes time. Blogs allow you to change your mind by making a new post, but you still have to have enough to write about to post anything. Here, we can put down any thought and come back to it later. Pages can connect to each other and information is repeated less often. Since digital gardens are essentially a kind of personal wiki, they facilitate wiki walking to revisit older pages.
We're also working on this site in a git repository, so we can come back to old versions.
We may or may not stick with this format. That's perfectly fine.
The "Personal" in Personal Wiki
The structure of a personal wiki is a reflection of the creator's thought process. That seemed like a good place to start for a site made to document introspection.
Most digital gardens and the like are based on programming and double as work portfolios.This was our introduction to the concept. Zettelkasten systems and commonplace journals have a broader range of topics, but they aren't often public. Part of the experiment of this site is seeing how publicity effects its development.